Sunday, February 1, 2015

january reflections

In the end of every month, I'm going to look back at my 2015 intentions , see how I'm doing, and set some more specific goals for the next month.

Keep love in my heart

I've been thinking on ways to become a more loving person. However, I haven't been taking all the steps I've mentioned (didn't read, didn't watch, and got my Beatitudes project only half way through). So, this will go to Feb goals.

Getting out of debt

30 000 RUB saved. 75 000 RUB left.

Do some scrapbooking

Nothing! Not a single tangible thing done. I've prepared a few photos for printing out for my January part of the album and a have a few layouts planned, but that's just happening in my head (or in my computer). I've also worked out a plan (a plan! again) on my approach to scrapbooking this year - I'll start with the beginning of our story (2008) and will go on from there, simultaneously trying to scrap this passing 2015 year.
I still have lots of started projects to accomplish (december daily 2013, december daily 2014, week in the life 2014, 31 things 2014). And a dozen of classes not even started.
Help! Help! I need help!

Blog daily

I don't have a chance to sit down to my computer every day, but sometimes I can write a few posts in one go. This month I got 31 posts total, so I thought it counts for "blog daily".

And now, actions:


Signed up for FlyLady and really, truly loved it. It brings me peace and puts a smile on my face. Organized bookshelves - they've been waiting for a year, right since we moved in. So happy to finally getting it done. Starting to feel just like I always wanted to feel when doing housework - like blessing my house. Doing it happily and gracefully, with no stress, but at peace (like Koreans). And I really want to buy some of those amazing tools in FlyLady shop - if only this year wasn't a year of savings... if we manage to get out of debt this year, I'm going to get all my housework supplies in 2016!

Letting go of stuff

Made a few pictures of my craft supplies, but really, so much to be done here...


Downloaded "Tea", a great book by Pohlebkin which I've already read once but don't remember a few important details. I've decided to start with it, as it's the most trustworthy source I know, and then I'll get closer to tea ceremony as it is. Again, if we manage to get out of debt this year, I'm buying my tea ceremony supplies in 2016.


This month we had so many guests! Loved reconnecting with my old friends, they help me stay sane. Cooked for my parents twice.
Really want to do something for my kids, to learn to control my temper, make it a priority.


Quite well here! We've sort of developed a plan while Sensei was working away from home and I hope to stick to it now, when he came back. Every day we had syrniky for breakfast, soup for dinner and seasonal fruit/vegetables for supper (here and now they are pomegranates, persimmon, tangerine, oranges and apples). Now that Sensei is here I don't know how it'll go. He's not a big fan of pancakes of any kind, he doesn't like cottage cheese (that's what syrniky are made of), and he'll never have just fruit for supper. I'll have to come up with some ideas... we'll see how it goes.


Of course not. Not yet. Unless you count all sorts of hard physical job I'm going through being a mom to two really active toddlers.

Go to bed and wake up early

Alas, no. The point here is that I need some free time. I get it only when the kids are sleeping. In the evening and at night they sleep very well, so I use this time; but if I try to go to bed early and use morning hours instead, I'm afraid the kids are going to wake up early, too. I need to figure something out on this one.


This blog, if it counts at all.

And then, being:


Thought on doing "three things I'm grateful for" project every day but didn't; I think I need to think of some twist on it to make it happen. Keeping a gratitude journal, maybe? Starting my night prayer with gratitude? I like this one, by the way.


Sunday is now a renew-my-spirit day.


When I remember, I can do things even if they scare me.


Trying to find funny in challenging times.

Notes: I'm considering Leo Babauta's Sea Change program as it touches upon many of the changes I'm working on. The only thing is, it's not free, so I won't be able to take it up this year. Maybe in 2016, if we manage to get debt-free.

This is it; not too bad, really. Writing this out makes me feel like I'm doing something. So, based on these reflections, here come


Read the Bible.
Watch Lazarev.
Connect with my kids.
Make something scrap-related every day!!
Take pictures of my craft supplies and post them for sale.
Read Tea when I have a chance.
Try waking up at 4 a.m.
Remember three things I'm grateful for before falling asleep.


  1. Wake up at 4 a.m.???!!!!
    it's terrible!!!!

    1. WOW I didn't know you were reading my blog! Cool:)

      I'm not sure I'll be able to do this)))) But I'm eager to try! I like the idea of a long quiet morning when everyone's sleeping and I have the whole house to myself.
