Friday, January 23, 2015


We've never had our own house. Since Sensei and I started to live together we've changed four rented apartments (two in Moscow and then two in Orel). We sort of carry our home with us - wherever we live together becomes a home.

One of my intentions for this year is taking care of this home, meaning I'd like it to be clean, organized and cozy. Right now I can think of a few things I could do to move forward in this direction.

First, I'm really inspired by the ideas of minimalism. I'd like to get rid of (either sell or give away) most of the things we've accumulated through the years and keep only those which are absolutely necessary and which we really love.

There is a beautiful idea (I got it from the Japanese, again) that every thing you own must have a "spark of joy" in it. If it doesn't make you smile, get rid of it. Here's to choosing carefully what to surround ourselves with and what to let into our lives (more on this later).

Second, we have two kids (who would draw on any surface they see) and two cats (who would scratch anything scratchable), so the wall-paper in the house is a disaster. The best thing to do would be just to rip the wall-paper off and paint the whole house, especially as I really detest the wall-paper in this apartment and would love paint so, so much more... like, some good shade of light-light grey... But as it would be rather expensive, and this year we're trying to get out of debt, I think I'll have to come up with a different idea.

Third, there are a few things I'd like to add to our house to make it cozier. Curtains for the kitchen and the living-room; a bigger table and more chairs for the kitchen; and lots of candles for the window-sill.

And finally, I joined the FlyLady community. Now, everyone knows of FlyLady, but I've never tried this system before. Honestly, I'm not a very good housekeeper. I'm a desperate one. But I know it's never too late, and I'm really willing to improve, so hopefully, this system will be of some help.

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